Working with spending effects

Assign a financing source to an effect

To manage a financing source that requires an effect, switch to the financing module (1) and the specific financing plan (2).

Make sure the financing plan is linked (3) to the budget for which you want to calculate a spending effect and the effect is already created in the settings.

Just like assigning an effect to a budget account, you can assign the financing source (4) to the effect by selecting the effect name in the macro area (5).

Assign a financing source to an effect

Check effect Status

You can always check your effect status from the effects tab (2) in the settings (1).

Choose a financing plan from (3),

to see what amount is assigned from the financing plan (4) and what amount should be reached (5) with the percentage defined.

If you already assigned accounts in your budget, you can read the budgeted sum and percentage under Effect Status (6).

If you already work in Cost Control, you can assign a cost control set (7) to filter the costs instead of the budget.

Check effect Status