Using a cashflow process to cash flow a financing source

Using a cashflow process to cash flow a financing source

Go to Settings, Cash Flow Setup

Click Settings (1) and switch to the Cash Flow Setup tab (2).

Go to Settings, Cash Flow Setup

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

To create a cashflow process, click the small "+" (1) and enter a name.

Choose costs should be split by percentage (2) and not by time in this process and click Ok (3).

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

To create them, double click in the timeline.

You have to define a certain percentage for every event.

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

Douple click in the process area to create your events. You have to define a certain percentage for every event, that will also show up in the upper left corner.

Create a Cashflow Process by percentage (Payment plan)

Assign payment plan to financing source

You can now use the process you just created to time budget accounts and financing sources. If, for example, your coproducer agreed to pay by this payment plan, try this:

Open the Financing module (1) and go to the finaning plan (2) you want to cash flow.

Now select all your coproducer's sources by holding Shift key (3) and click the small blue pen symbol (4) next to Cashflow in the macro area.

Assign payment plan to financing source

Assign payment plan to financing source

Click "process-based" (1) and choose the process (2).

Click Ok (3) to proceed.

Assign payment plan to financing source


You will now see that green dots indicate that these sources have been assigned cash flow data (1) and see the details at the macro area (2).
