Add and edit budget accounts

To add an account, navigate into category and group,...

Switch to the desired category (1).

Select a group (2) or first create one. Accounts have to be inside of a group.

To add an account, navigate into category and group,...

...then click "Add Account"

...then click "Add Account"

A new account shows up

The new budget account number can be changed as needed.

A new account shows up

Edit an account

Edit the account number (1), description (2), quantity and unit (3), price per unit (4), an additional factor (5)

You can also use formulas and variables instead of simple numbers (check out the how-to's). Foreign currencies can be managed from budget settings.

Edit an account

Check the sums

In this example, we budgeted 3 x $ 900 for our first budget item, account 40211 "B Camera" (1), which produces a total of $ 2.700 (2).

The second Total column (3) shows the amount in the display currency we select for our budget (4).

Please note that

- the sum of the group 4.02 "Camera HD" (5),

- the category total for "Equipment" (6) as well as

- the Grand Total (7)


Check the sums

Delete an account

To delete an account, select it (1) and click "Delete" (2).

Delete an account