By downloading KOSMA you accept our terms and conditions and the software license agreement.
Important: To install the application, you must first (1.) download and install Adobe AIR and only then (2.) install KOSMA.
Important Note for All macOS Users
To install KOSMA on macOS, please follow these steps:
- Download the latest version of KOSMA and Adobe AIR.
- Open Finder and go to the "Applications" folder. Locate the KOSMA icon and right-click on it.
- Select "Get Info" from the context menu to access the app's properties.
- In the Info window, check the box "Open using Rosetta" to ensure compatibility with M-chip Macs.
- Double-click the KOSMA icon to start the application.
- Log into the KOSMA app using your username and password from the website.
Problems installing the software? Get in touch with us.

Screenshot: Enable "Open using Rosetta"
Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question that is not in the list? Visit our support page.
Will my license work on more than 1 computer?
Yes, one license runs on two computers, so you can work on your desktop machine and on your laptop.
I have downloaded KOSMA, but I can’t install the file.
Have you also downloaded and installed Adobe AIR? You have to install Adobe AIR before you can install KOSMA.
Will KOSMA run on Windows and Mac?
Yes, KOSMA runs on Windows as well as Mac OSX.