Using milestones as cash-flow rules

Add cashflow rules to your budget

To cash flow your budget, open the Budgeting module (1) and go the budget (2), category (3) and account (4) you want to adjust in cash flow.

Now click the small blue pen symbol next to Cashflow in the macro area (5).

Add cashflow rules to your budget

Define milestone as cashflow rule

Select milestone-based (1) and choose your first milestone.

For example, you can schedule the camera rental payment in a 50% (2) installment seven days before (4) shooting begins (3), and add a second milestone by clicking "+" (5)…

Define milestone as cashflow rule

Second milestone

…to add the final payment of another 50% seven days after shooting has ended. (1)

Click Ok (2) to proceed…

Second milestone


…and see that a green circle (1) indicates this account has cash flow data, whereas the details can be seen in macro panel (2).
