To create an account, first visit
Log in with your username and password.
Here you can create new projects (1),
or open an existing one (2).
You can also upgrade your projects and activate the Cashflow and Cost Control modules from this screen (3). Note that only Budgeting and Financing modules are available before you upgrade a project.
Let's get started with a simple overview of the APMS interface.
Projects always open in the Budgeting module. You can switch to other modules at the top of screen (1). If you have a free or financing license you will only see Budgeting & Financing. If you have a PRO credit activated for the project you will also see Cashflow and CostControl.
The APMS window is separated into 3 main areas:
- The Navigation Area (2) shows all available elements the selected module. For example, in APMS, one project can have several budgets.
- The Edit Area (3) will be your main workspace. Here you enter and edit account data.
- The Macro Area (4) allows to add and edit detail information to the selected items of the edit area.
The Toolbar (5) and the Administration tab (6) provide all project related functions.
In Settings (1), all relevant project data is edited. Note that the settings are individual for every budget you create.
The other buttons in the toolbar represent the basic functions and are pretty much self-explanatory:
To close a project and get back to the Project Manager, hit (3).
You can always save (2) and sync to the APMS servers (5) manually.
To log out completely, e.g. to change the current user, you can press (8).
To change project sharing settings and user rights, go to the Admin area (9).
Of course, there's also the possibility to print (4) as well as a search function (10).
Also you can import (6) and export (7) data...
The name is for your reference only, e.g. "first budget" or "fund xy submission".
You can choose to start with an empty budget scheme (1) or load one of your own budget templates you have created from any existing APMS budget (2). To create a budget template use the "Save as Template" command in MENU->PROJECT and not the export command.
The budget is empty since we chose "Create Empty Budget" in the last step. Your first budget appears in the list of budgets of this project (1). Start by adding a category (2) now.
The search function is located in the upper right corner. You can search the whole active budget, financing plan or cost report.
Type in what you are looking for and hit Enter.
The navigation area will show only categories that contain matching accounts (2).
When you click a category, the edit area (3) will show them.
To reset the search and see the whole sheet again, click the small X (1).